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Load testing WCF service (hosted on IIS) [closed]

People also ask

How do you debug a WCF Test Client?

After you create a new WCF service project and press F5 to start the debugger, the WCF Service Host begins to host the service in your project. Then, WCF Test Client opens and displays a list of service endpoints defined in the configuration file.

What are 3 basic WCF configuration required for hosting a WCF service?

There are three types of hosting environments for WCF services: IIS, WAS, and self-hosting. The term “self-hosting” refers to any application that provides its own code to initialize the hosting environment. This includes console, Windows Forms, WPF, and managed Windows services.

WCFLoadTest all the way. I've even talked to MS guys who swear by this tool.

Visual Studio also has some load testing tools available, but I cannot vouch for how well they do their job, nor can I say which versions of VS contain the load testing tools.

I wrote my own tool (WCFStorm). These are the features:


◦Dynamically invoke and test WCF Services

◦Dynamically invoke and test Web services written in any language

◦Save your opened service and its test cases into a "project" which can be reloaded anytime

◦Dynamically invoke service methods even those containing complex data types

◦UI-based, dynamic editing of complex data types

◦Test multiple WCF and Web services within a single UI.

◦Multiple-tabbed interface

◦Basic and windows authentication

◦Test services sitting behind a proxy

◦Dynamically modify the URL endpoint of a WCF or Web service.

◦Dynamically edit the service binding.

Functional Testing:

◦Create functional test cases and save it as part of a project

◦Create and save functional test cases containing Expected results.

◦Graphically compare (side-by-side) the expected results with the actual response of a service.

Performance Testing:

◦Create performance test cases and save it as part of a project

◦Graphically display charts in real-time as the performance test progresses.

◦Configurable test parameters (# of Agents, Test duration, interval etc.). You can stress out your service as much as you want.

Check out the screenshot.

alt text
(source: geekswithblogs.net)

Start with this:


It doesn't do everything possible with WCF, but it is the best tool to start with. Worse comes to worse, it's not that hard to write manual invocation code with web services. They are much easier to load test than web sites.

The SO-Aware test workbench makes things very easy with a rich visual experience. You can build a variety of tests and scenarios and run them very quickly.
