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Load assets from www folder on iOS 8 with Cordova 3.7 (file://)




I have an hybrid app that works perfectly on iOS 7 using Cordova 3.7 and jQuery Mobile 1.3.2

I am testing it on iOS 8 and it is broken. I am requesting each page(view) of my app using absolute paths, using the file:// protocol, like:


but i get the error:

Failed to load resource: The requested URL was not found on this server.

I read about this bug, is that the problem?

Also, on iOS 8, the location of the www folder is a bit different from iOS 7, it resolves to:


Is this correct?

I tried the toURL() and toInternalURL() methods to have the absolute paths like:

cdvfile://localhost/root/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/<UUID>/MyApp.app/ but I get always the same error. Any suggestion?


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Mirko Avatar asked Jan 12 '15 15:01


2 Answers

To whoever might find this useful, I finally manage to solve the problem.

The full path to the www folder on ios 8+ is:


but when you request the application directory with Cordova, doing:

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.applicationDirectory, onSuccess, onError);

it will give you a wrong path (Cordova 3.7 on iOS 8.1.2) like:


using the toURL() method suggested on the docs

Therefore you need to manually do a bit of tweaking

var path = fileSystem.toURL();//given by the success callback 

IOS_ASSETS_ABS_PATH = path.replace("file:////", "file:///private/");


and bingo!

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Mirko Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 21:01


I ran into the same problem and I managed to solve it. In my case, my problem was that every time I update the app, the new app has a different id than the last one. For instance, the path for the older app was:


And new one:


So even though my pdf files were still on the application data storage, I was using the wrong path since the app created a new application id. I solved this by creating a new function that updates my path every time there is an update. I find the application id by using:

window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFileSystemSuccess, fail);

function onFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) {
    // Do what you need here

The filesystem is an object contains the nativeURL inside the root.

Hope it helps!

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Omar Alejandro Chacin Ortega Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 21:01

Omar Alejandro Chacin Ortega