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App Store submission/distribution error "failed to open ssh session"

I'm trying to submit an iOS PhoneGap app to the app store via Xcode 5.0.2 but I'm encountering problems at the final distribution stage. The app works perfectly on the simulators and devices that I've used and even passes the validation yet when I go to distribute it a number of errors pop up and the project's status is listed as "Failed Validation".

enter image description here

I've had no luck searching for these errors on-line and I don't understand how it passes validation when I click validate but somehow fails it when I go to distribute.

I see other Xcode submission problems are linked to Apple server traffic but I'm not getting any "network connection lost" errors.

I've seen some issues requiring a Java update for Xcode but they seemed to effect Xcode 4 and I'm using Xcode 5.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I'm using an iMac on a University network.

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James Finn Avatar asked Mar 09 '14 21:03

James Finn

3 Answers

After having the same issue I've been able to fix this issue.

To solve this issue you need to:

Go to page 6 "System and Network Requirements" from https://itunesconnect.apple.com/docs/UsingApplicationLoader.pdf

verify that all of the ports and IP addresses are accessible.

After opening all of the ports from the table, I'm now able to upload my apps.


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kernix Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11


The problem was that I was using a university network which has a number of restrictions on servers as well as uploading and downloading. The only fix for this problem was to find another Mac to use which wasn't restricted.

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James Finn Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 21:11

James Finn

A possible solution is to do what @kernix suggests, make sure your bitching corporate firewall isn't trying to mug you off. Are your ports open?

Another solution is to user Application Loader instead.

Open Application Loader, got to preferences (⌘+,) and unselect Signiant and Aspera, but leave DAV selected.

Application loader preference

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Edwin Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11
