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List files committed for a revision



People also ask

How do I view a specific revision in svn?

To find information about the history of a file or directory, use the svn log command. svn log will provide you with a record of who made changes to a file or directory, at what revision it changed, the time and date of that revision, and, if it was provided, the log message that accompanied the commit.

How can I get previous revision from svn?

On the file, simply right-click => Team => Switch to another branch/tag/revision. Besides the revision field, you click select, and you'll see all the versions of that file.

svn log --verbose -r 42

To just get the list of the changed files with the paths, use

svn diff --summarize -r<rev-of-commit>:<rev-of-commit - 1>

For example:

svn diff --summarize -r42:41

should result in something like

M       path/to/modifiedfile
A       path/to/newfile

From remote repo:

svn log -v -r 42 --stop-on-copy --non-interactive --no-auth-cache --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD http://repourl/projectname/