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How do you branch and merge with TortoiseSVN? [closed]

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How do you merge tortoises?

If you want to merge the changes from a single revision, just select that revision. If you want to merge changes from several revisions, then select that range (using the usual Shift-modifier). Click on OK and the list of revision numbers to merge will be filled in for you.

Does SVN merge delete the branch?

If you merge a branch into trunk using "svn merge --reintegrate", you are recommended to delete the branch. If you want to do further development in that branch, you should "re-branch", effectively create a new branch with the same name, but rooted at the same revision as you merged the branch into trunk.

My easy click-by-click instructions (specific to TortoiseSVN) are in Stack Overflow question What is the simplest way to do branching and merging using TortoiseSVN?.

Version Control with Subversion

A very good resource for source control in general. Not really TortoiseSVN specific, though.

You can also try Version Control for the Standalone Programmer - Part 1 or perhaps Merging with TortoiseSVN.