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List all files in a homebrew package

People also ask

How do I see what packages are installed in Homebrew?

Packages installed using Homebrew are all installed in a specific folder. Typically it's /usr/local/Cellar . If you don't find this folder, run brew --prefix to find the correct folder prefix. On my system, this command returned /usr/local , the place where the Cellar folder can be found.

Where can I find Homebrew files on Mac?

By default, Homebrew will install all packages in the directory /usr/local/Cellar/ , and also creates symbolic links at /usr/local/opt/ and /usr/local/bin/ (for executable files).

What does brew list do?

brew provides commands for getting common types of information out of the system. brew list shows installed formulae. brew deps foo shows the dependencies that foo needs. Additional commands, including external commands, can of course be written to provide more detailed information.

What is brew cleanup?

If you want to take your tidy-up routine to the next level, you can also run brew cleanup . This command removes downloads for outdated formulas and casks. ~ brew help cleanup Remove stale lock files and outdated downloads for all formulae and casks, and remove old versions of installed formulae.

Just add -v or --verbose, for example:

$ brew ls --verbose exim