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Linq to XML Order by descending?






I am having trouble with the OrderByDescending. It does not sort it correctly. I have an XML file that looks like this:

  <player id="3">
     <name>David, Backham</name>      

I am trying to display 3 players with the highest amount of goals.

 XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("players.xml");

                                     /// .OrderByDescending(r => r.Attribute("goals"))
        var players = from r in doc.Descendants("player").OrderByDescending(r => r.Value)

                           select new
                               Name = r.Element("name").Value + "   ",
                               Goal = r.Element("goals").Value + "    ",


        foreach (var r in players)
            Console.WriteLine(r.Name + r.Goal);
like image 397
xterminal0 Avatar asked Dec 07 '13 02:12


People also ask

How to sort in descending Order in LINQ?

If you want to rearrange or sort the elements of the given sequence or collection in descending order in query syntax, then use descending keyword as shown in below example. And in method syntax, use OrderByDescending () method to sort the elements of the given sequence or collection.

How do I sort a list in LINQ?

LINQ includes five sorting operators: OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending and Reverse. LINQ query syntax does not support OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending and Reverse. It only supports 'Order By' clause with 'ascending' and 'descending' sorting direction.

1 Answers

Perhaps like this:

var players = 
    (from r in doc.Descendants("player")
     orderby int.Parse(r.Element("goals").Value) descending 
     select new
         Name = r.Element("name").Value + "   ",
         Goal = r.Element("goals").Value + "    ",

Or in fluent syntax:

var players = doc.Descendants("player")
                 .OrderByDescending(r => int.Parse(r.Element("goals").Value))
                 .Select(r => new
                      Name = r.Element("name").Value + "   ",
                      Goal = r.Element("goals").Value + "    ",

Note that you'll need to parse the string value to an integer to get the correct sort order.

To filter the results, you can just do this:

var players = 
    (from r in doc.Descendants("player")
     where r.Element("name").Value.StartsWith("David")
     orderby int.Parse(r.Element("goals").Value) descending 
     select new
         Name = r.Element("name").Value + "   ",
         Goal = r.Element("goals").Value + "    ",

Or in fluent syntax:

var players = doc.Descendants("player")
                 .Where(r => r.Element("name").Value.StartsWith("David"))
                 .OrderByDescending(r => int.Parse(r.Element("goals").Value))
                 .Select(r => new
                      Name = r.Element("name").Value + "   ",
                      Goal = r.Element("goals").Value + "    ",
like image 169
p.s.w.g Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 22:09
