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Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow excepiton on tweetsharp




Hi I have a problem with tweetsharp sdk. I try to read tweets with the code below, sometimes not always I take this exception: "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow". I searched but coludn't find the reason?

TweetSharp.TwitterService tester = new TwitterService();

tester.AuthenticateWith(consumerkey, consumersecret, accesstoken, accesstokensecret);

var a = tester.Search(new SearchOptions { Q = "screenname", Count = 100}); //On this line i take the excepiton
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user2933990 Avatar asked Oct 29 '13 21:10


People also ask

Is arithmetic overflow an exception?

With the default setting, C# compiler will not throw an exception if arithmetic overflow happens. The above program will not throw an exception and work fine because C# compiler is configured in that way.

How do you handle arithmetic overflow exception in C#?

If you want to ensure that arithmetic operations will throw overflow exceptions if an overflow happens, you need to use the checked { ... } code block. When using the checked { ... } code block, if any arithmetic operation causes an overflow, an OverflowException will be thrown, and will need to be catched and handled.

1 Answers

As an alternative to building the source (which can be tricky due to Windows Phone SDK dependencies etc.) you could give this fork a try:

It's an unofficial bug fork for TweetSharp wrapped in a NuGet package:

We came from TweetSharp v2.3.0, and updating to TweetSharp v2.3.1 did not solve our JSON deserialize problems. Replacing it with the unofficial v. package did though.

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Fredrik Rofors Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

Fredrik Rofors