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LINQ To SQL Paging

I've been using .Skip() and .Take() extension methods with LINQ To SQL for a while now with no problems, but in all the situations I've used them it has always been for a single table - such as:

database.Users.Select(c => c).Skip(10).Take(10);

My problem is that I am now projecting a set of results from multiple tables and I want to page on the overall set (and still get the benefit of paging at the DB).

My entity model looks like this:

A campaign [has many] groups, a group [has many] contacts

this is modelled through a relationship in the database like

Campaign -> CampaignToGroupMapping -> Group -> GroupToContactMapping -> Contact

I need to generate a data structure holding the details of a campaign and also a list of each contact associated to the campaign through the CampaignToGroupMapping, i.e.

      Recipient 1
      Recipient 2
      Recipient n...

I had tried to write a LINQ query using .SelectMany to project the set of contacts from each group into one linear data set, in the hope I could .Skip() .Take() from that.

My attempt was:

 var schedule = (from c in database.Campaigns
                 where c.ID == highestPriority.CampaignID
                 select new PieceOfCampaignSchedule
                     ID = c.ID,
                     UserID = c.UserID,
                     Name = c.Name,
                     Recipients = c.CampaignGroupsMappings.SelectMany(d => d.ContactGroup.ContactGroupMappings.Select(e => new ContactData() { /*Contact Data*/ }).Skip(c.TotalSent).Take(totalRequired)).ToList()


The problem is that the paging (with regards to Skip() and Take()) is happening for each group, not the entire data set.

This means if I use the value 200 for the parameter totalRequired (passed to .Take()) and I have 3 groups associated with this campaign, it will take 200 from each group - not 200 from the total data from each group associated with the campaign.

In SQL, I could achieve this with a query such as:

select * from
    select [t1].EmailAddress, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by CampaignID desc) as [RowNumber] from contacts as [t1]
    inner join contactgroupmapping as [t2] on [t1].ID = [t2].ContactID
    inner join campaigngroupsmapping as [t3] on [t3].ContactGroupID = [t2].GroupID
    where [t3].CampaignID = @HighestPriorityCampaignID

) as [Results] where [Results].[RowNumber] between 500 and 3000

With this query, I'm paging over the combined set of contacts from each group associated with the particular campaign. So my question is, how can I achieve this using LINQ To SQL syntax instead?

like image 625
Martin Avatar asked Apr 23 '09 12:04


People also ask

Which Linq methods should you use to implement pagination?

We can implement the paging using the Linq Skip and Take method.

What is pagination C#?

The C# pagination logic is contained in a single Pager class that takes the following constructor arguments: totalItems (required) - the total number of items to be paged. currentPage (optional) - the current active page, defaults to the first page. pageSize (optional) - the number of items per page, defaults to 10.

1 Answers

To mimic the SQL query you provided you would do this:

var schedule = (from t1 in contacts
                join t2 in contactgroupmapping on t1.ID equals t2.GroupID
                join t3 in campaigngroupsmapping on t3.ContactGroupID = t2.GroupID
                where t3.CampaignID = highestPriority.CampaignID
                select new PieceOfCampaignSchedule
                  Email = t1.EmailAddress

Are you trying to page over campaigns, recipients, or both?

like image 129
Jimmie R. Houts Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Jimmie R. Houts