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Linq query for only the first N rows for each unique ID

Say I have an IQueryable that will return a datatype with an ID property (column).

I want to further filter my query (I don't want to evaluate the query) as follows:

For each unique ID from the main query, I want to Take(n), where n is some arbitrary number.

That is, I want to only keep the first n rows for each unique ID.

I can get the distinct ID's...

var ids = query.Select(q => q.ID).Distinct();

and I can Take(n) with the rest of them, but I'm stumped on connecting the two:

query = query.<FOR EACH DISTINCT ID>.Take(n);

The accepted answer works, but is slow for a large table. I wrote this question as a follow-up.

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kevlar1818 Avatar asked Sep 10 '13 21:09


1 Answers

You can do it like this:

query = query.GroupBy(q => q.ID).SelectMany(g => g.Take(n));

The GroupBy brings together the records with identical IDs, letting you process them as a group; SelectMany takes each group, limits the number of its members to n, and puts the results back into one flat list.

like image 61
Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10

Sergey Kalinichenko