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Linq OrderBy to group objects with the same sets




I have a set of objects that themselves contain a set.

private class Pilot
    public string Name;
    public HashSet<string> Skills;

Here's some test data:

public void TestSetComparison()
    var pilots = new[] 
        new Pilot { Name = "Smith", Skills = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "B-52", "F-14" }) },
        new Pilot { Name = "Higgins", Skills = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "Concorde", "F-14" }) },
        new Pilot { Name = "Jones", Skills = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "F-14", "B-52" }) },
        new Pilot { Name = "Wilson", Skills = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "F-14", "Concorde" }) },
        new Pilot { Name = "Celko", Skills = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "Piper Cub" }) },

I want to use OrderBy in Linq so that:

  • Smith and Jones are ordered together because they fly the same planes
  • Higgins and Wilson are ordered together because they fly the same planes
  • doesn't matter whether Higgins+Wilson end up before or after Smith+Jones
  • preferably Smith is before Jones (stable sort) but this isn't too important

I think I need to implement an IComparer<Pilot> to pass into OrderBy but don't know how to handle the "doesn't matter" aspect (above) and the stable sort.


I want the output to be an array of the same five Pilot objects but in a different order.

like image 671
petemoloy Avatar asked Apr 10 '18 08:04


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Does Linq GroupBy preserve order?

Found answer on MSDN: Yes.

Does group by preserve order?

Groupby preserves the order of rows within each group. When calling apply, add group keys to index to identify pieces. Reduce the dimensionality of the return type if possible, otherwise return a consistent type.

2 Answers

When GroupBy you have to implement IEqualityComparer<T> for the type you are going to group (HashSet<string> in your case), e.g.

private sealed class MyComparer : IEqualityComparer<HashSet<string>> {
  public bool Equals(HashSet<string> x, HashSet<string> y) {
    if (object.ReferenceEquals(x, y))
      return true;
    else if (null == x || null == y)
      return false;

    return x.SetEquals(y);

  public int GetHashCode(HashSet<string> obj) {
    return obj == null ? -1 : obj.Count;

And then use it:

 IEnumerable<Pilot> result = pilots
    .GroupBy(pilot => pilot.Skills, new MyComparer())
    .Select(chunk => string.Join(", ", chunk
       .Select(item => item.Name)
       .OrderBy(name => name))); // drop OrderBy if you want stable Smith, Jones

 Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, result));


 Jones, Smith
 Higgins, Wilson

Edit: If you want an array reodered then add SelectMany() in order to flatten the groupings and the final ToArray():

 var result = pilots
    .GroupBy(pilot => pilot.Skills, new MyComparer())
    .SelectMany(chunk => chunk)

 Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", result.Select(p => p.Name)));


 Jones, Smith,
 Higgins, Wilson,

Note that string.join combines the names of each group in one line, i.e. Jones, Smith both have the same skill set.

Run it as DotNetFiddle

like image 100
Dmitry Bychenko Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Dmitry Bychenko

You can use the following implementation of HashSetByItemsComparer to accomplish what you need:

public class HashSetByItemsComparer<TItem> : IComparer<HashSet<TItem>>
    private readonly IComparer<TItem> _itemComparer;

    public HashSetByItemsComparer(IComparer<TItem> itemComparer)
        _itemComparer = itemComparer;

    public int Compare(HashSet<TItem> x, HashSet<TItem> y)
        foreach (var orderedItemPair in Enumerable.Zip(
            x.OrderBy(item => item, _itemComparer),
            y.OrderBy(item => item, _itemComparer), 
            (a, b) => (a, b))) //C# 7 syntax used - Tuples
            var itemCompareResult = _itemComparer.Compare(orderedItemPair.a, orderedItemPair.b);
            if (itemCompareResult != 0)
                return itemCompareResult;

        return 0;

It is not the most efficient solution probably, since it orders hashsets for each comparison separately. You may need to optimize it if using with millions of pilots and many skills, but for small numbers it will work just fine.

Usage example:

var sortedPilots = pilots.OrderBy(p => p.Skills, new HashSetByItemsComparer<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal));

foreach (var pilot in sortedPilots)

And output is:


So it preserves equal items ordering (default behavior of OrderBy - you don't need to worry about it). By the way, solution with GroupBy would not allow you to restore items order as far as I know.

like image 34
Sasha Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10
