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Linq not in select on datatable





Hi i've got 2 data tables (bannedlist,countrylist), both contains list of country names and cods in columns cc and country. I am trying to do a query where i can select countries from countrylist table that are not in bannedlist table in order to create a 3rd table.

Any ideas?

I haven't got too far with this.

        var ccList = ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable(); 
        var bannedCCList = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable();
        var query = from r in ccList....


after trying

var bannedCCList = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable();
    var query = from r in ccList where !bannedCCList.Any(b => b["cc"] == r["cc"])select r;

i still get same country list. banned ones haven't been removed. here is more detail in order to explain more. not sure what i am doing wrong

 protected void BindCountryBan(string subd)
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    ds = new DB().CountryBan_GetSiteSettings();

        BannedCountryListBox.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];
        BannedCountryListBox.DataValueField = "cc";
        BannedCountryListBox.DataTextField = "country";

//bind country list
    var ccList = ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable(); 
    var bannedCCList = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable();
    var query = from r in ccList where !bannedCCList.Any(b => b["cc"] == r["cc"])select r;
    //var query = ccList.Except(bannedCCList); 

    //CountryListBox.DataSource = ds.Tables[2];
    DataTable boundTable = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();
    CountryListBox.DataSource = boundTable;
    CountryListBox.DataValueField = "cc";
    CountryListBox.DataTextField = "country";
like image 744
nLL Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 20:12


2 Answers

Except would work if you use it on sequences of the countries:

using System.Linq;

    var ccList = from c in ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable()
                 select c.Field<string>("Country"); 
    var bannedCCList = from c in ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable()
                       select c.Field<string>("Country");
    var exceptBanned = ccList.Except(bannedCCList);

If you need the full rows where the countries aren't banned, you could try a left outer join:

    var ccList = ds.Tables[2].AsEnumerable();
    var bannedCCList = ds.Tables[1].AsEnumerable();
    var exceptBanned = from c in ccList
                       join b in bannedCCList
                         on c.Field<string>("Country") equals b.Field<string>("Country") into j
                       from x in j.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       where x == null
                       select c;
like image 122
dahlbyk Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 22:01


You can use the Except() LINQ extension method like this:

var result = full.Except(banned);

However this will work fine with the default comparer of the contained type. Thus if you want to use a specific column like in your example, you might need another approach like:

from r in ccList
where !bannedCCList.Any(b => b["cc"] == r["cc"])
select r;

Using Except() implies the references are the same in both collections, which I think is not the case with Tables, or correct me if I'm wrong.

like image 29
Sébastien Ros - MSFT Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 21:01

Sébastien Ros - MSFT