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LINQ Join Where Clause

I'm struggling with a join/where clause with what is a rather simple sql select statement.

I am trying to retrieve a list of product information from tb1 with the where condition behind situated in tbl2 but this must be joined by three different columns.

so the SQL would look something along the lines of:

SELECT     tb1.*
FROM         tb2 INNER JOIN
                      tb1 ON tb2.Col1 = tb1. Col1 AND tb2.Col2 = tb1. Col2 AND 
                      tb2.Col3 = tb1.Col3
WHERE     (tb2.Col1 = col1) AND (tb2.Col2 = col2) AND (tb2.Col4 = string)

ColX is the main where clause with the string to be passed in as parameter; all other columns are within the contexts.

How do you implement multiple joins with a where clause?

And shoves in the right direction, muchly appreciated.

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Ricardo Deano Avatar asked Aug 23 '10 12:08

Ricardo Deano

People also ask

How does LINQ join work?

In a LINQ query expression, join operations are performed on object collections. Object collections cannot be "joined" in exactly the same way as two relational tables. In LINQ, explicit join clauses are only required when two source sequences are not tied by any relationship.

How use inner join in LINQ?

A simple inner join that correlates elements from two data sources based on a simple key. An inner join that correlates elements from two data sources based on a composite key. A composite key, which is a key that consists of more than one value, enables you to correlate elements based on more than one property.

What type of join is LINQ join?

In LINQ, an inner join is used to serve a result which contains only those elements from the first data source that appears only one time in the second data source. And if an element of the first data source does not have matching elements, then it will not appear in the result data set.

2 Answers

To join on multiple field in LINQ, you have to create a new anonymous type containing the columns you want to compare and then use that anonymous type in the join:

var results = from t1 in context.tb1
              join t2 in context.tb2
              on new { t1.Col1, t1.Col2, t1.Col3 } equals
                  new { t2.Col1, t2.Col2, t2.Col3 }
              where t2.Col1 == col1 && t2.Col2 == col2 && t2.Col4 == someString
              select t1;

And here is the equivalent Lambda Syntax:

var results = context.tb1.Join(
                  t1 => new { t1.Col1, t1.Col2, t1.Col3 },
                  t2 => new { t2.Col1, t2.Col2, t2.Col3 },
                  (t1, t2) => new { t1, t2 })
              .Where(o => o.t2.Col1 == col1 
                  && o.t2.Col2 == col2
                  && o.t2.Col4 == someString)
              .Select(o => o.t1);

As you can see, in the case of joins, query syntax usually produces an easier to read statement.

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Justin Niessner Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 09:10

Justin Niessner

You can also include the WHERE clause in lamda syntax in the reference to the table you're joining on.

var query = from pt in dc.ProjectTasks
            join ttab in dc.TimeTaskAssigns on pt.Id equals ttab.ProjectTaskId
            join ttb2 in dc.CMS_TAT_TIMEs.Where(a => a.WIP_STATUS == 'B') on ttab.CmsTimeUno equals ttb2.TIME_UNO
            select pt;

Seems obvious now, doesn't it? It took me a long time to find that solution.

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Mark Williams Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 11:10

Mark Williams