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How do I generate an html string from group by




Here I have a list from my class Assinantes

new Assinante
                City= "BAURU",
                Num= 112,
                ClientCode= 3123,
                Phone= "1412345675"
            new Assinante
                City= "BAURU",
                Num= 45,
                ClientCode= 3123,
                Phone= "214464347"

And I needed to group by City, ClientCod and Num, which I've already done here:

var listGroup= (from a in lista
            group a by new {a.City, a.ClientCode, a.Num});

Then, I needed to generate an html string with Linq, like the example below:


Could somebody give me any sugestion?

like image 357
Mauro Maciel Avatar asked Oct 20 '22 16:10

Mauro Maciel

1 Answers

You can use linq to xml for this issue, also included in the example options to add attributes, which could possibly be useful in the future (styling or querying)

var html =  new XElement("div", new XAttribute("class","dynamic-content"), 
                    from i in lst.GroupBy(x=>new{x.City,x.ClientCode,x.Num}) select 
                        new XElement("div",new XAttribute("class","city"),
                            new XElement("h1",new XAttribute("class","city-name"), i.Key.City ),
                            new XElement("ul",
                                from k in i.GroupBy(a=>a.ClientCode) select
                                        new XElement("li", 
                                            new XElement("h4",new XAttribute("class","client-code"), k.Key),
                                            new XElement("ul",
                                                from j in k.GroupBy(a=>a.Num) select 
                                                    new XElement("li", 
                                                        new XAttribute("class","client-num"), j.Key ,
                                                        new XElement("ul", new XAttribute("class","phone-numbers"), 
                                                            from l in j select 
                                                                new XElement("li", new XAttribute("class","phone-number"), l.Phone)

To get the actual string just use html.ToString()

see fiddle here

like image 110
konkked Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10
