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Link to current page without query string



I know there are a lot of tricks for doing links, for example <a href="?query=string"> will link to the current page after appending the query string. Is there a way to link back to the current page, after removing the query string without just typing the file name?

Example, at the page foo.php?q=3, I want to link to foo.php. Is there a shortcut-type way to do this? The file will be renamed several times, so I don't want to type a bunch of links and then have to edit them later.

Edit: Even though these are PHP files, I'm trying to avoid a server-side solution for this particular problem.

like image 598
Alex S Avatar asked Oct 02 '09 00:10

Alex S

People also ask

Does URL include query string?

A query string is a part of a uniform resource locator (URL) that assigns values to specified parameters.

1 Answers


Not exactly what you are after - there's still a question mark at the end - but functionally equivalent.

like image 132
Alex Barrett Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

Alex Barrett