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Link from one app to another in Google Play description

I have two apps in the google play store. Is it possible to create an http link from one to another in the description of the first?

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i_am_jorf Avatar asked Mar 15 '13 20:03


People also ask

How do I put an app description on Google Play?

The short description field should transport the most relevant message of your app in a nutshell. It should give users a quick impact of what your app is about, without having to click on “read more”. Note: Android users tend to make purchasing decisions very quickly.

What is short description in Google Play store?

Your short description is the first text users see when looking at your app's detail page on the Play Store app and can be expanded by users to view your app's full description.

1 Answers

Google Play descriptions do not support links. You can tell the reader the name of the app, nothing more.

Plus, in any case, your app will come under the "Related Apps" and "More from developer" headings in most cases.

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Raghav Sood Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10

Raghav Sood