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line break within cell for huxtable table




I recently started using the huxtable R package for tables and I'm really impressed with it. One thing I can't seem to figure out, however, is how to get line breaks within a cell. Here's what I've tried

cars <- mtcars %>% 
  mutate(car = rownames(.),
         car = str_replace(car, " ", "\n")) %>% 
  slice(1:5) %>% 
  select(car, cyl, hp)


# A tibble: 5 x 3
  car                    cyl    hp
  <chr>                <dbl> <dbl>
1 "Mazda\nRX4"          6.00 110  
2 "Mazda\nRX4 Wag"      6.00 110  
3 "Datsun\n710"         4.00  93.0
4 "Hornet\n4 Drive"     6.00 110  
5 "Hornet\nSportabout"  8.00 175 

ht <- as_hux(cars, add_colnames = TRUE)
escape_contents(ht) <- TRUE

But this ends up without the line break, as in the screenshot below

enter image description here

The escape_contents part doesn't seem to make a difference.

I'm not sure if what I want is possible, but I know it is in other packages (e.g., DT::datatable). I'd really like to use huxtable, if possible, however, because I like the design and flexibility of the package.

Any thoughts would be great.

EDIT: I should have specified I'm hoping to get this to work for PDF.

like image 456
Daniel Anderson Avatar asked Mar 21 '18 04:03

Daniel Anderson

2 Answers

According to Escaping HTML or LaTeX, You should use escape_contents(ht) <- FALSE and use <br> tag instead of \n

cars <- mtcars %>% mutate(car = rownames(.),
                          car = str_replace(car, " ", "<br>")) %>% 
                   slice(1:5) %>% select(car, cyl, hp)

 ht <- as_hux(cars, add_colnames = TRUE)
 escape_contents(ht) <- FALSE

note that the output is a Rmarkdown document and thanks for the package information. it looks good. following is the output of mine

enter image description here

like image 198
BJK Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09


Try this, which minimizes the amount of backslashes:


cars <- mtcars %>% mutate(car = rownames(.))
cars$car <- str_replace(cars$car, " ", "\\\\newline ")
cars %>% 
      as_hux(add_colnames = TRUE) %>% 
      set_wrap(TRUE) %>% 
      set_escape_contents(everywhere, "car",  FALSE) %>% 

enter image description here

The set_wrap() call is necessary for LaTeX tables to accept newlines, I believe.

If you want to escape different parts of the cells containing newlines, you can do that manually, e.g. with xtable::sanitize().

like image 43
dash2 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
