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Limit String Twig

How can I limit a string length? I'm getting a description value from my database, but I want to only display a number of specific characters.

  • How can I do this in my twig template?
  • Is it better to do it within my controller?
like image 975
Ramón Devesa Avatar asked Oct 21 '13 10:10

Ramón Devesa

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How do I know what version of twig I have?

`Twig version is {{ constant('\Twig\\Environment::VERSION') }}. ` inside your template. Show activity on this post.

1 Answers

Try this :

{{ entity.description|striptags|slice(0, 40) }}
  1. the striptags filter will remove the HTML tags, this will avoid to cut a tag in 2, example of this base case: Text ... <img src="http://examp
  2. the slice filter will cut the text, keeping only the 40 first characters
like image 75
A.L Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 16:12