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Libtool prefixes objects but gcov requires them without prefix

I need to perform some test coverage with gcov on a shared library I am working on.

The problem is libtool renames the object files from my-name.c to libmylib_la-my-name.lo and gcov is unable to handle that conversion. Everytime I run it, the error cannot open notes file is generated.

If I manually rename my-name.c to libmylib_la-my-name.c after the build gcov works fine, so there is no other problem apart the filename mangling.


Trying to provide a minimal working example I discovered the filename mangling happens only when lib..._la_CFLAGS is set (and also when it is set to an empty value).

cat <<EOT > configure.ac

cat <<EOT > Makefile.am
# The following line triggers the filename mangling (libsample_la-sample.lo instead of sample.lo)

touch sample.c && autoreconf -if && ./configure && make

Is there a way to avoid the filename mangling operated by libtool or to let gcov understand the filename mangling scheme?

like image 916
ntd Avatar asked Jan 17 '15 20:01


2 Answers

Gcov gcda and gcno files are named after object files. You can run gcov from source directory directly on object file or you can use -o option of gcov to specify the object file and corresponding gcov files.

For example I have a small project that builds a shared library. I pass gcov flags to make command:

make CFLAGS="-O0 --coverage" LDFLAGS=--coverage

Object files and corresponding gcno files are created in src/.libs folder:

$ ls -la src/.libs

The source file is in src folder

$ ls src/

Next I run my test suite and gcda files are created:

$ ls -la src/.libs

Now I can enter src directory and run gcov, specifiying object file name:

$ gcov -o .libs/libtest_la-test.o test.c
File ‘test.c’
Lines executed:27.08% of 96
Creating ‘test.c.gcov'

It is also possible to just run gcov on object file:

$ gcov .libs/libtest_la-test.o
File ’test.c’
Lines executed:27.08% of 96
Creating ’test.c.gcov'

Or even just specifying base name of object file and gcov files:

$ gcov .libs/libtest_la-test
File ’test.c’
Lines executed:27.08% of 96
Creating ’test.c.gcov'

But I would suggest another automated approach that works very well for me, using lcov. I invoke it from top directory specifying paths to source files and object files:

$ lcov --base-directory src --directory src/.libs/ --capture --output-file gcov.info
Capturing coverage data from src/.libs/
Found gcov version: 4.8.2
Scanning src/.libs/ for .gcda files ...
Found 10 data files in src/.libs/
Processing .libs/test_la-test.gcda
Finished .info-file creation

$ genhtml -o html/coverage gcov.info
Reading data file gcov.info
Found 10 entries.
Found common filename prefix "/usr/src/libtest”
Writing .css and .png files.
Generating output.
Processing file src/test.c
Writing directory view page.
Overall coverage rate:
  lines......: 56.1% (2098 of 3737 lines)
  functions..: 68.8% (139 of 202 functions)

Now html/coverage directory contains html files that can be easily analyzed in a web browser.

lcov screenshot

like image 128
baf Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09


Libtool shouldn't change .c file names. However, it does change .o file names; this is because it needs to compile libraries twice on some platforms (once to create position-independent code (PIC) for .so (shared) libraries, once to create code which is not PIC for .a (static) libraries).

What you may be seeing is the fact that gcov has issues with shared libraries. See "can gcov deal with shared object?" for details.

If that doesn't fix it, I'll have to agree with Brett that you ned to supply more info.

like image 26
Wouter Verhelst Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09

Wouter Verhelst