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Initializing variable with itself: how come it is not a compile-time error? [duplicate]




I am a bit baffled that I managed to accidentally write code equivalent to this one

int a=a; // there is not a declared before this line

and the compiler happily compiled it - both gcc and clang, which are very standard-conforming and have good diagnostics. (With -Wall, gcc 4.8 warns about uninitialized variable; clang does not).

I thought the RHS of the assignment will be evaluated prior do LHS, hence causing a to be undefined on the RHS. Can I have some simple clarification about why is this syntactically legal?

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eudoxos Avatar asked Jan 16 '14 11:01


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1 Answers

It will be a compile-time error if you tell GCC to make it so:

gcc -Winit-self -Werror

Note that sadly this diagnostic is not enabled by most of the usual suspects like -Wall.

like image 177
John Zwinck Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 22:11

John Zwinck