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Library for Bayesian Networks [closed]

Hello fellow Number crunchers

As the headline suggests, I am looking for a library for learning and inference of Bayesian Networks. I have already found some, but I am hoping for a recommendation.

Requirements in a quick overview:

  • preferably written in Java or Python
  • configuration (also of the network itself) is a) possible and b) possible via code (and not solely via a GUI).
  • source code available
  • project is still maintained
  • the more powerful, the better

Which one do you recommend ?

like image 958
mlwida Avatar asked Dec 19 '10 14:12


People also ask

What is the disadvantage of Bayesian network?

The most significant disadvantage is that there is no universally acknowledged method for constructing networks from data. There have been many developments in this regard, but there hasn't been a conqueror in a long time. The design of Bayesian Networks is hard to make compared to other networks.

What is Pgmpy?

pgmpy [pgmpy] is a python library for working with graphical models. It al- lows the user to create their own graphical models and answer inference or map queries over them. pgmpy has implementation of many inference algorithms like VariableElimination, Belief Propagation etc.

Are Bayesian networks supervised or unsupervised?

The learning of Bayesian network classifiers from data is commonly performed in a supervised manner, meaning that a training set containing examples that have been previously classified by an expert are used to generate the directed acyclic graph (DAG) and its conditional probability table (CPT).

1 Answers

Have a look at Weka. It's kind of popular in my neck of the woods... It's open source and written in Java.

This will tell you about bayesian networks in Weka, from the abstract:

  • Structure learning of Bayesian networks using various hill climbing (K2, B, etc) and general purpose (simulated annealing, tabu search) algorithms.
  • Local score metrics implemented; Bayes, BDe, MDL, entropy, AIC.
  • Global score metrics implemented; leave one out cv, k-fold cv and cumulative cv.
  • Conditional independence based causal recovery algorithm available.
  • Parameter estimation using direct estimates and Bayesian model averaging.
  • GUI for easy inspection of Bayesian networks.
like image 140
Dr G Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10

Dr G