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Tensorflow model zoo?

One of the main advantages of caffe for me was the possibility of doing transfer learning on freely distributed pretrained models.

Is there a place to get trained models from papers/competitions in tensorflow format?

If not, is there a possibility to convert existing caffe(or any other) models into tensorflow models?

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trainset Avatar asked Nov 15 '15 16:11


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2 Answers

You can likely use the caffe to tensorflow model converter to convert model zoo models. If you try it and report back, it would be great to know. There's a potential issue with converting maxpooling and padding, but it seems to work for many models.

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dga Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 00:11


As of now, official TF github page has a list with the group of models. Also you can use keras.applications which has pretrained models.

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Salvador Dali Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 00:11

Salvador Dali