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`let` inside `let` in Kotlin: how to access the first `it`



I have one let inside another one

        // ....
        // some code here
        // ....
        val resultCall = it
        someMethod2Call()?.let {
            // ...
            val myVariable = it + resultCall
            // ... 

Is it possible in Kotlin inside the second let get access to it of first let and avoid using resultCall variable?

like image 666
Vitalii Avatar asked Jun 10 '18 19:06


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3 Answers

No it's not possible and you should definitely use explicit names for the parameters in such use cases:

someMethodCall()?.let{ v1->
    // ....
    // some code here
    // ....

    someMethod2Call()?.let { v2->

like image 28
s1m0nw1 Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 00:12


it is a default name for the lambda argument. it is convenient for short lambdas, but you should not use it for longer lambdas. For longer lambdas make the code more readable by specifying an explicit argument name:

someMethodCall()?.let {
    resultCall ->
    // ... some code that uses "resultCall" instead of "it" ...

Use different names to avoid shadowing of the variable in the inner block as in your example:

someMethodCall()?.let {
    resultCall ->
    // ... some code here ...
    someMethod2Call()?.let {
        resultCall2 ->
        // ...
        val myVariable = resultCall2 + resultCall
        // ... 
like image 150
battlmonstr Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 00:12


It helps if you name your variables.

someMethodCall()?.let { resultCall ->
    // ....
    // some code here
    // ....
    someMethod2Call()?.let { otherResult ->
        // ...
        val myVariable = resultCall + otherResult
        // ... 
like image 24
EpicPandaForce Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 23:11
