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Leiningen: How to customize the location of the .m2 folder?

I would like to change the location of the .m2 folder where leiningen stores all dependencies (on Linux).

Is it possible to achieve this?

I've checked the source code of the lein.sh script and all environment variables but there's nothing which seems to point to $HOME$/.m2

like image 493
Nico Balestra Avatar asked Sep 25 '12 08:09

Nico Balestra

1 Answers

For leiningen v2:

Put a profiles.clj in ./users/name/.lein (or Linux equivalent) containing the following

{:user  {;Location of local repository 
         :local-repo "Drive/Path"
         ;Location of locally installed jars
         ;(that can't be downloaded from public repo's)
         :repositories  {"local" {:url "file://Drive/Path"
                                  :releases {:checksum :ignore}}}}}

This user profile is merged with ALL project profiles during lein execution.

A good place to find information like this is the annotated sample profile on lein's github.

like image 85
NielsK Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 04:11
