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Dependencies in maven local repositories with leiningen

I am starting lein new project in clojure and want to use the goose article extraction library. Unfortunately I couldn't find the jar of that library on any publicly available maven repository, so I set out to add it to a local maven repository.

In the project directory, I copied the goose jar and its pom.xml files and did

mkdir maven-repo
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=goose-2.1.6.jar -DartifactId=goose -Dversion=2.1.6 \
    -DgroupId=local -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=maven-repo -DpomFile=pom.xml

And added the following to project.clj

:repositories {"local" ~(str (.toURI (java.io.File. "maven-repo")))}

and [local/goose "2.1.6"] in :dependencies. Now when I do a lein deps, I get the goose-2.1.6.jar file added to lib directory, but not the dependencies of goose. They are listed in the goose's pom.xml file.

Is there a way I can fix this other than listing goose's dependencies in my project.clj?

like image 261
sharat87 Avatar asked Jan 05 '12 06:01


People also ask

Where does Maven look for local dependencies?

Maven searches for the dependencies in the following order: Local repository then Central repository then Remote repository. If dependency is not found in these repositories, maven stops processing and throws an error.

Where all Maven dependencies are stored?

When you run a Maven build, then Maven automatically downloads all the dependency jars into the local repository. It helps to avoid references to dependencies stored on remote machine every time a project is build. Maven local repository by default get created by Maven in %USER_HOME% directory.

Where Maven dependencies are stored in Linux?

The Local Repository Maven's local repository is a directory on the local machine that stores all the project artifacts. When we execute a Maven build, Maven automatically downloads all the dependency jars into the local repository. Usually, this directory is named . m2.

1 Answers

You can use lein-localrepo instead of the lengthy mvn command: https://github.com/kumarshantanu/lein-localrepo

Install like this:

lein localrepo coords target/goose-2.1.6.jar | xargs lein localrepo install

However, that alone will not help to install the POM file in the repo. You should additionally run this:

cp pom.xml ~/.m2/repository/goose/goose/2.1.6/goose-2.1.6.pom

Note that in this example Goose will be installed as groupId=goose, artifactId=goose. You can override that if you wish, and probably you should.

like image 91
Shantanu Kumar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Shantanu Kumar