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Legend properties when legend.only=T (raster package)



When plotting only the legend (of a raster object - a colorbar):

r = raster()
r[] = 1
plot(r, legend=F)
plot(r, zlim=c(-10,10), legend.only=T)

how can I control the legend axis label size, tick length, and other legend properties? I know I can call par(...) before the last plot() call, but is there a cleaner way?

like image 647
Benjamin Avatar asked Feb 24 '12 19:02


2 Answers

You can pass axis.args and legend.args as arguments to the legend only function call, as for image.plot in the fields package.

For example, to specify tick positions and labels, and to reduce tick label size, the following should do the trick. It will also accept arguments such as legend.width and legend.shrink.

r <- raster(volcano)
plot(r, col=topo.colors(100), legend=FALSE, axes=FALSE)
r.range <- c(minValue(r), maxValue(r))
plot(r, legend.only=TRUE, col=topo.colors(100),
     legend.width=1, legend.shrink=0.75,
     axis.args=list(at=seq(r.range[1], r.range[2], 25),
                    labels=seq(r.range[1], r.range[2], 25), 
     legend.args=list(text='Elevation (m)', side=4, font=2, line=2.5, cex=0.8))

legend only - arguments

like image 65
jbaums Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 19:11


It's also possible to work with the 'smallplot' argument in when 'legend.only=TRUE'. Small works from the bottom/left corner of the plot area smallplot=c(min % from left, max % from left, min % from bottom, max % from bottom).

# load data & plot
require(raster); data(volcano); r <- raster(volcano)
plot(r, col=topo.colors(100), legend=FALSE, axes=FALSE)
r.range <- c(minValue(r), maxValue(r))

plot(r, legend.only=TRUE, col=topo.colors(100), legend.width=1, legend.shrink=0.75,
    smallplot=c(0,.09, .3,.75)); par(mar = par("mar"))

plot(r, legend.only=TRUE, col=topo.colors(100), legend.width=1, legend.shrink=0.75,
    smallplot=c(0.3,0.5, 0.2,0.7)); par(mar = par("mar"))

plot(r, legend.only=TRUE, col=topo.colors(100), legend.width=1, legend.shrink=0.75,
    smallplot=c(0.85,0.9, 0.7,0.9)); par(mar = par("mar"))

plot(r, legend.only=TRUE, col=topo.colors(100), legend.width=1, legend.shrink=0.75,
    smallplot=c(0.7,0.90, 0.05,0.2)); par(mar = par("mar"))

enter image description here

like image 45
Matthew Bayly Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 21:11

Matthew Bayly