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How can I calculate the nearest positive semi-definite matrix?


I'm coming to Python from R and trying to reproduce a number of things that I'm used to doing in R using Python. The Matrix library for R has a very nifty function called nearPD() which finds the closest positive semi-definite (PSD) matrix to a given matrix. While I could code something up, being new to Python/Numpy I don't feel too excited about reinventing the wheel if something is already out there. Any tips on an existing implementation in Python?

like image 678
JD Long Avatar asked Jun 07 '12 20:06

JD Long

People also ask

What is nearest positive definite matrix?

Finding the nearest positive definite matrix is a matrix nearness problem where for a given matrix A , the nearest member of a certain class of matrices needs to be found. Nearness (distance) is measured by some matrix norm. Higham (1989) describes different types of matrix nearness problems.

How do you make a semi-definite matrix positive?

To compute a positive semidefinite matrix simply take any rectangular m by n matrix (m < n) and multiply it by its transpose. I.e. if B is an m by n matrix, with m < n, then B'*B is a semidefinite matrix. I hope this helps.

How do you find the positive definite of a matrix?

A matrix is positive definite if it's symmetric and all its pivots are positive. where Ak is the upper left k x k submatrix. All the pivots will be pos itive if and only if det(Ak) > 0 for all 1 k n. So, if all upper left k x k determinants of a symmetric matrix are positive, the matrix is positive definite.

1 Answers

I don't think there is a library which returns the matrix you want, but here is a "just for fun" coding of neareast positive semi-definite matrix algorithm from Higham (2000)

import numpy as np,numpy.linalg  def _getAplus(A):     eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eig(A)     Q = np.matrix(eigvec)     xdiag = np.matrix(np.diag(np.maximum(eigval, 0)))     return Q*xdiag*Q.T  def _getPs(A, W=None):     W05 = np.matrix(W**.5)     return  W05.I * _getAplus(W05 * A * W05) * W05.I  def _getPu(A, W=None):     Aret = np.array(A.copy())     Aret[W > 0] = np.array(W)[W > 0]     return np.matrix(Aret)  def nearPD(A, nit=10):     n = A.shape[0]     W = np.identity(n)  # W is the matrix used for the norm (assumed to be Identity matrix here) # the algorithm should work for any diagonal W     deltaS = 0     Yk = A.copy()     for k in range(nit):         Rk = Yk - deltaS         Xk = _getPs(Rk, W=W)         deltaS = Xk - Rk         Yk = _getPu(Xk, W=W)     return Yk 

When tested on the example from the paper, it returns the correct answer

print nearPD(np.matrix([[2,-1,0,0],[-1,2,-1,0],[0,-1,2,-1],[0,0,-1,2]]),nit=10) [[ 1.         -0.80842467  0.19157533  0.10677227]  [-0.80842467  1.         -0.65626745  0.19157533]  [ 0.19157533 -0.65626745  1.         -0.80842467]  [ 0.10677227  0.19157533 -0.80842467  1.        ]] 
like image 80
sega_sai Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 05:12
