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leaflet.js: Fire event when setView() has finished the animation. How is that possible?

I'm currently working with leaflet.js and I'm searching the web now for quite a bit, to find out: If there is an event, that can be fired after animation end of asynchronous function setView().

This is what I tried:

map.setView( [lat, lon ], 12 , { 
   pan: { animate: true , duration: 0.5 }, 
   zoom: { animate: true }, 
   animate: true
}.on('ready', function(e) {
   console.log("animation finished!");

The setView-command works perfectly, but the function, that should be fired when map-animation is ready, is not working.

Does anyone have a solution?

like image 674
codiga Avatar asked Nov 06 '15 10:11


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1 Answers

Have you tried the moveend and zoomend events?

You can attach a callback on both events easily: map.once("moveend zoomend", callback) (note the once that will remove the listener once it is triggered)

A very special case may not trigger your callback: if setView does not change anything, i.e. the requested view is already the current view. To be checked, it is possible that the moveend event is fired by setView in all cases.

Otherwise, a simple timeout could be enough.Especially since you specify the animation duration.

like image 125
ghybs Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
