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Babel: The CLI has been moved into the package `babel-cli`

I was working on a JS file at work where I had babel installed, running babel file.js | node I sent the file home to work in the evening, installed babel at home and I got the following error when I run the above command:

The CLI has been moved into the package 'babel-cli'

Any ideas? Thank you in advance :)

If I install the CLI - the following code fails to compile:

function sumArrayIndex(array, i, separator) {
  return array
    .map(x => x.split(separator)
      .map(c => { return parseInt(c) })
    .map(x => { return x[i]; })
    .reduce((x, y) => { return x += y }, 0);

function minToSec(m) {
  return m * 60

function secondsToMinutesAndSeconds(s) {
  var min = s / 60;
  var sec = s % 60;

  minutes += Math.floor(min);
  seconds += sec;

function outputTime() {
  return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds;
like image 531
zeKoko Avatar asked Oct 30 '15 22:10


People also ask

How do you check if babel CLI is installed?

You can also check the version of babel-cli by finding the babel-cli folder in node_modules and looking at the version property of the package. json that is at the base of that folder. If babel-cli was installed globally via -g flag of npm install , you could check the version by executing command babel --version .

What is babel CLI?

Babel comes with a built-in CLI which can be used to compile files from the command line. In addition, various entry point scripts live in the top-level package at @babel/cli/bin . There is a shell-executable utility script, babel-external-helpers. js , and the main Babel cli script, babel.

1 Answers

Babel version 6 split the project into several modules. As the message indicates the CLI has moved to babel-cli.

I suggest you use the same version that you use at work (which is probably v5):

npm install -g babel@5

However, if you would rather use the latest version:

npm install -g babel-cli
like image 153
joews Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
