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LDAP Authentication on Windows Phone

In a current project I would like to check if the user is the user it says he is (no private data involved). That project is mainly about Timetables at my university. As we have a LDAP Server and every Student has an account, i would like to authenticate against the LDAP Server but the System.DirectoryServices Assembly is not available on Windows Phone. Does anyone have an idea how to realise the login expect for a workaround via a Webservice? WCF would not be an option, I could theoretically send the data to a Webservice and do the authentication via PHP but I would like to keep that functionality in the app.

Thanks in advance!

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Daniel Steiner Avatar asked May 13 '13 23:05

Daniel Steiner

2 Answers

RESTful Web service would do what you want.

Have a web server running tomcat/windows IIS (depending on how you wish to implement it)

send request to the web service via HTTPS and then have the web server connect to the LDAP server to query it.

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DamianB Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09


Have you tried using a 3rd party library like Novell's (http://www.novell.com/developer/ndk/ldap_libraries_for_c_sharp.html)? It comes with source and MIT license.

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blazee Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
