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How to implement an event using Reactive Extensions

The Reactive Extensions allow you to easily subscribe to an event using Observable.FromEventPattern, but I can't find anything on how you might implement an event when you have an IObservable.

My situation is this: I need to implement an interface which contains an event. That event is supposed to be called whenever a certain value of my object changes, and for thread safety reasons I need to call this event on a certain SynchronizationContext. I am also supposed to call each event handler with the current value on registration.

public interface IFooWatcher
    event FooChangedHandler FooChanged;

Getting an observable that does what I want is rather easy with Rx using BehaviorSubject:

public class FooWatcher
    private readonly BehaviorSubject<Foo> m_subject;
    private readonly IObservable<Foo> m_observable;

    public FooWatcher(SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext, Foo initialValue)
        m_subject = new BehaviorSubject<Foo>(initialValue);
        m_observable = m_subject

    public event FooChangedHandler FooChanged
        add { /* ??? */ }
        remove { /* ??? */ }

Now I am looking for an easy way to have the add and remove functions subscribe and unsubscribe the passed FooChangedHandler as an Observer<Foo> on m_observable. My current implementation looks similar to this:

        lock (m_lock)
            IDisposable disp = m_observable.Subscribe(value);
                new KeyValuePair<FooChangedHandler, IDisposable>(
                    value, disp));

        lock (m_lock)
            KeyValuePair<FooChangedHandler, IDisposable> observerDisposable =
                    .First(pair => object.Equals(pair.Key, value));

However, I hope to find an easier solution, because I need to implement several of these events (of differing handler types). I tried to roll my own generic solution but it creates some additional problems that need to be worked around (in particular, how you generically work with a delegate that takes a parameter of T), so I would prefer to find an existing solution that bridges the gap in this direction - just as FromEventPattern does the reverse.

like image 823
Medo42 Avatar asked Mar 05 '13 18:03


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1 Answers

You could do this:

public event FooChangedHandler FooChanged
    add { m_observable.ToEvent().OnNext += value; }
    remove { m_observable.ToEvent().OnNext -= value; }

However, on the remove, I think perhaps you just may want to dispose of the subscription ... or perhaps get the Action from ToEvent() and store that as a member. Untested.

EDIT: You'll have to use Action instead of a FooChangedHandler delegate, however.

EDIT 2: Here's a tested version. I suppose you need to use FooChangedHandler, however, since you have a bunch of these pre-existing handlers?

void Main()
    IObservable<Foo> foos = new [] { new Foo { X = 1 }, new Foo { X = 2 } }.ToObservable();
    var watcher = new FooWatcher(SynchronizationContext.Current, new Foo { X = 12 });
    watcher.FooChanged += o => o.X.Dump();  

// Define other methods and classes here

//public delegate void FooChangedHandler(Foo foo);
public interface IFooWatcher
    event Action<Foo> FooChanged;

public class Foo {
    public int X { get; set; }
public class FooWatcher

    private readonly BehaviorSubject<Foo> m_subject;
    public BehaviorSubject<Foo> Subject { get { return m_subject; } }
    private readonly IObservable<Foo> m_observable;

    public FooWatcher(SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext, Foo initialValue)
        m_subject = new BehaviorSubject<Foo>(initialValue);

        m_observable = m_subject

    public event Action<Foo> FooChanged
        add { m_observable.ToEvent().OnNext += value; }
        remove { m_observable.ToEvent().OnNext -= value; }
like image 140
Richard Anthony Freeman-Hein Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Richard Anthony Freeman-Hein