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Laravel Yajra Datatable Server Side with pagination problems

I'm newby on Laravel and I'm trying to use Yajra Datatable Plugin with server side funtionality. The plugin works well with a small amount of records, but I have a large amount of about 100000 record.

To speed up the process in my controller I limit the query's result with take(10) and I use another query to count the total results. So far everything is fine.

The problem is how to manage research. In addition to the main research field, i used also the individual column searching but I don't know how to return the correct numbers of record to manage the pagination with the individual searching filter.

I think that the individuals search keys are in $columns = $request->get('columns'); but I don't know how to manage count's query.

Thanks you for your precious advice.

HTML View Code:

<table id="oTable">
         <th class="no_search"></th>

Jquery Code:

    dom: 'lfrtip',
    "processing": true,
    "serverSide": true,
    "ajax": '{!! url('getRecords') !!}',
    "columns": [
      {data: 'items.id', name: 'items_id'},
      {data: 'brands.description', name: 'brands_description'},
      {data: 'items.code', name: 'items_code'},
      {data: 'items.description', name: 'items_description'}
    columnDefs: [
      {targets: 'no_sort', orderable: false}
    initComplete: function () {

      this.api().columns().every(function () {
        var column = this;
        var columnClass = column.header().className;
        if (columnClass.indexOf('no_search') != false) {
          var input = document.createElement("input");
          .on('change', function () {
            column.search($(this).val(), false, false, true).draw();

Controller's method:

public function getRecords(Request $request) {

      $search = $request->input('search.value');
      $columns = $request->get('columns');

      $count_total = \DB::table('items')
                        ->join('brands', 'item.brand', '=', 'brands.code')

      $count_filter = \DB::table('items')
                        ->join('brands', 'items.brand', '=', 'brands.code')
                        ->where(   'brands.description' , 'LIKE' , '%'.$search.'%')
                        ->orWhere( 'items.description' , 'LIKE' , '%'.$search.'%')
                        ->orWhere( 'items.code' , 'LIKE' , '%'.$search.'%')

      $items= \DB::table('items')
        ->join('brands', 'items.brand', '=', 'brands.code')
            'items.id as items_id',
            'items.code as items_code',
            'items.description as items_description',
            'brands.description as brands_description'
        ) -> take(10);

        return Datatables::of($items)          
            "recordsTotal" => $count_total,
            "recordsFiltered" => $count_filter,
like image 563
Roberto Remondini Avatar asked Jan 10 '18 11:01

Roberto Remondini

1 Answers

 public function getRecords(Request $request) {
        //Use this way of your code
        $search  = $request->input('search.value');
        $columns = $request->get('columns');
        $order   = isset($_GET[ 'order' ]) ? $_GET[ 'order' ] : [];

        $count_total = \DB::table('items')
                          ->join('brands', 'item.brand', '=', 'brands.code')

        $count_filter = \DB::table('items')
                           ->join('brands', 'items.brand', '=', 'brands.code')
                           ->where('brands.description', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%')
                           ->orWhere('items.description', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%')
                           ->orWhere('items.code', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%')

        $items = \DB::table('items')
                    ->join('brands', 'items.brand', '=', 'brands.code')
                        'items.id as items_id',
                        'items.code as items_code',
                        'items.description as items_description',
                        'brands.description as brands_description'
        foreach ($order as $o) {
            if(isset($columns[ $o[ 'column' ] ])) {
                $items = $items->orderBy($columns[ $o[ 'column' ] ][ 'name' ], $o[ 'dir' ]);
        $items = $items->take(10);

        return Datatables::of($items)
                             "recordsTotal"    => $count_total,
                             "recordsFiltered" => $count_filter,
                         ->rawColumns(['items_id', 'brands_description'])
like image 173
Ubaid ullah Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 08:09

Ubaid ullah