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Set "Zero Tax" rate to a some custom booking product types

With WooCommerce, I am using Traveler premium theme

I need to deactivate (TAX) in the tours and hotels, And I am trying to use this code for it:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tax_class', 'wc_diff_rate_for_user', 1, 2 );function wc_diff_rate_for_user( $tax_class, $cart_item ) {

if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) )

// Define HERE your targeted products IDs
$products_ids_arr = array(12 ,15, 24);

// Define HERE your targeted user roles
$users_role_arr = array('administrator', 'userrolename');

//Getting the current user data
$user_data = get_userdata(get_current_user_id());

foreach ($users_role_arr as $user_role)
    if ( in_array( $user_role, $user_data->roles ) && in_array( $cart_item->id, $products_ids_arr ) ) {
        $tax_class = 'Zero Rate';

return $tax_class;}

This code come from this answer: Tax class "Zero rate" per user role on specific product ID's

But there is no way and this is not the option. I can't make it work to inactivate Tax only for tours and hotels.

I need some help, to understand how I can achieve disabling taxes only for tours and hotels within my theme in WooCommerce.


I am using this little peace code to output my custom product types from cart, where I have the 3 different kinds of products types:

function output_cart_raw_data(){
    $count = 0;
foreach(WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item){
    echo 'Product ' . $count . ' has a post type of: ' . $cart_item['st_booking_data']['st_booking_post_type'] . '<br>;

It outputs in my cart page this (the product types used):

Product 1 has a post type of: st_tours
Product 2 has a post type of: st_hotel
Product 3 has a post type of: st_activity

How can I get 'Zero Tax' activated for st_tours and st_activity product types?


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Juan David Avatar asked Feb 12 '17 22:02

Juan David

1 Answers

With your question last update, this is very easy... Your products have a custom booking type. You have 3 kinds of booking types and you want to get the "Zero Tax" rate for all product types except 'st_hotel' product type.

So the code is going to be:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tax_class', 'wc_diff_rate_for_user', 1, 2 );
function wc_diff_rate_for_user( $tax_class, $product ) {

    if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) )

    // Iterating through each cart items
    foreach(WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item){

        if($product->id == $cart_item['product_id']){
            $booking_post_type = $cart_item['st_booking_data']['st_booking_post_type'];
        echo 'Product ' . $count . ' has a post type of: ' .$cart_item['st_booking_data']['st_booking_post_type']. '<br>;

    // If the booking post type is different than 'st_hotel', the "Zero Tax" rate is applied
    if( 'st_hotel' != $booking_post_type ){
        $tax_class = 'Zero Rate';

    return $tax_class;


Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or theme) or also in any plugin file.

This code is tested and works…

error in the code

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LoicTheAztec Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10
