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Laravel Queue Worker Memory Footprint is Too Big :/

I am running a queue worker that connects to six MQs. When it is brought up, it consumes 25MB of RAM. That is with zero jobs on the queue, i.e. the worker is in a sleep state. I use Larvel for all of my projects, this particular project is purely built for the queue worker (i.e. a microservice with no web access).

I would like to reduce the memory footprint, but more importantly I would like to know where the memory is being consumed. I am using PHP 7.1 so now that xhprof no longer profiles memory I have to figure out an alternative.

I know that Lumen is meant to consume less memory, and it seems at least that Lumen is a subset of Laravel. Is it possible to "turn off" parts of my Laravel app so that it mimics Lumen? I tried commenting out lines from the config/app.php $providers array, but there does not seem to be a big difference in memory consumption (~1MB by my measure).

tl;dr; how to "tweak" the Laravel memory footprint? how to turn Laravel into Lumen?


EDIT: Pics or it didn't happen. AFAIK the RES column is in kilobytes, so ~39MB of memory.

RES == 39MB

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mils Avatar asked Oct 11 '17 23:10


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1 Answers

Have you checked your php.ini and turned off any extensions you don't require for your worker & rest of codebase.

You could create a custom php.ini for this worker and supply it via the command line arguments

php -c queue_php.ini artisan queue:work.

Don't forget that the memory footprint you're seeing there is for all of that PHP execution so that includes the JIT Compiler and any extensions loaded and whatever they load.

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Barkermn01 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
