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Laravel passport migration not found

I installed laravel passport using command compser require laravel/passsport, but after this, no new migration was made in database/migrations directory. Why is that?

like image 377
Ammar Khan Avatar asked Aug 30 '18 21:08

Ammar Khan

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Where is laravel Passport token stored?

You can store this token in local storage. This token is also stored in the oauth_access_tokens table. We will be sending a GET request to your URL and we need to send it token as Authorization Header. Above way successive technologies can do API authentication in Laravel Application with a passport.

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2 Answers

The migration files exist in the Passport package in your vendor directory.

The migrations won't be copied over to your database/migrations folder as they don't need to be since they're registered by the PassportServiceProvider.

You should just be able to run php artisan migrate and they will be included.

If you're using Laravel 5.3 or 5.4 then you will need to register the service provide in your app/config.php file.

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Rwd Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09


Make sure you have PassportServiceProvider registered in config/app.php

// config/app.php

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Shimazakhi Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09
