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Laravel hasMany detach

I am having an issue with Eloquent regarding removing child model: When this is executed in process2() I still have the deleted model which is not ok.


    namespace App\Models;

    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

    class Model1 extends Model
        public function seasons() {
            return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Seasons', 'series_id', 'id');


class Process {
    public function process1($model1Instance) {

        for($model1Instance->seasons() as $season) {
            if(//whatever//) {
    public function process2($model1Instance) {
        for($model1Instance->seasons() as $season) {
            //At this point I still have the deleted instance


$proc = new Process();

When process1() removes a model from the parent, how can I have it removed in process2()?

Tried/Will try:

1.Method: $model1Instance->seasons()->detach($season); but got: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::detach()

2.Another class I could make another simple class to store these but I do not think it is okay, although I could then set filtered seasons but still have to use Model1 instance:

class Model1Copy {
    private $seasons;
    public function __construct($seasons) {
        $this->seasons = $seasons;
  1. Fatal when tried:

    public function process1($model1Instance) {

    for($model1Instance->seasons() as $season) {
        if(//whatever//) {
        } else {
    $model1Instance->seasons = $childs


  2. Would be to make my own repositories to skip the ORM`s behavior, but it is frustrating because I have to rewrite all queries just to remove an instance...

like image 439
ka_lin Avatar asked Sep 18 '15 23:09


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1 Answers

To delete hasMany records with condition:

$model1Instance->seasons()->where('condition', 'met')->delete();

To delete all:

like image 114
Stubbies Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09
