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Full alternative to APC user data cache for PHP?

I have a large site heavily depending on APC, mainly storing custom data using apc_add and apc_fetch functions.

It seems that APC is not fully compatible with PHP 5.4 and that PHP 5.5 has built in Zend OPcache. What alternative do I have to replace apc_add and apc_fetch functionality ?

Please don't mention memcached, I am already using it, but it is not suitable as direct replacement of APC because I am doing many apc_fetch calls because APC is much faster than memcached for this purpose.

Thanks for any suggestions and help.

Edit: I thought, that suggested APCu is good choice, however it has the same issues with stability (PHP segfaults)... Is there any other alternative how to store local user cache data ?

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Frodik Avatar asked Sep 20 '13 06:09


1 Answers

There is APCu, the APC user cache: http://pecl.php.net/package/APCu

It only contains the user cache part, with apcu_* functions instead of the apc_* ones.

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Sven Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
