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Laravel Eloquent how to get the second or third record?

I have an Order and a Product models.
"Order" HasMany Product (and Product belongsTo Order)...

Let's say I want to display the 3 products of my order, how to do that ?
I know the first could be retrieved like $order->products->first()... but how to retrieve the second and third product?

I tried $order->products->find(1) but "1" represents the id of the product... which I don't want to know...

like image 920
nadir Avatar asked May 30 '15 21:05


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1 Answers

$order->products()->skip(1)->first();//Second row $order->products()->skip(2)->first();//Third row .... 

Is more performant than loading all products and getting only first, second, ecc..

Instead if you want both second and third, you can get only them in a single query without load other rows, with similar approach:

$order->products()->skip(1)->take(2)->get(); //Skip first, take second and third 
like image 92
Luca C. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Luca C.