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laravel eager loading using with() vs load() after creating the parent model

I am creating a Reply model and then trying to return the object with it's owner relation. Here is the code that returns an empty object:

//file: Thread.php
//this returns an empty object !!??
public function addReply($reply)
    $new_reply = $this->replies()->create($reply);
    return $new_reply->with('owner');

However, if i swap the with() method for load() method to load the owner relation, i get the expected result. That is the reply object is returned with it's associated owner relation:

//this works
    $new_reply = $this->replies()->create($reply);
    return $new_reply->load('owner');

i don't understand why. Looking for clarifications.

Thanks, Yeasir

like image 267
Yeasir Arafat Majumder Avatar asked Dec 18 '17 12:12

Yeasir Arafat Majumder

1 Answers

This is because you should use with when you don't have object yet (you are making query), and when you already have an object you should use load.


Collection of users:

$users = User::with('profile')->get();


$users = User::all();

Single user:

$user = User::with('profile')->where('email','[email protected]')->first();


$user = User::where('email','[email protected]')->first();

Methods implementation in Laravel

Also you can look at with method implementation:

public static function with($relations)
    return (new static)->newQuery()->with(
        is_string($relations) ? func_get_args() : $relations

so it's starting new query so in fact it won't execute the query until you use get, first and so on where is load implementation is like this:

public function load($relations)
    $query = $this->newQuery()->with(
        is_string($relations) ? func_get_args() : $relations


    return $this;

so it's returning the same object, but it load relationship for this object.

like image 84
Marcin Nabiałek Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10

Marcin Nabiałek