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PHP Getting out of memory

I am trying to insert data from postgres database into mysql database. There are about 100000 records that I need to import. However Iam always getting out of memory issue.

Out of memory (allocated 1705508864) (tried to allocate 222764 bytes)

I am using Laravel 5 to do this, here is code:

// to avoid memory limit or time out issue
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
ini_set('max_input_time', '-1');
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');

// this speeds up things a bit

$importableModels = [
    // array of table names

$failedChunks = 0;

foreach ($importableModels as $postGresModel => $mysqlModel) {

    $total = $postGresModel::count();
    $chunkSize = getChunkSize($total);

    // customize chunk size in case of certain tables to avoid too many place holders error
    if ($postGresModel === 'ApplicationFormsPostgres') {
        $chunkSize = 300;

    $class = 'App\\Models\\' . $mysqlModel;
    $object = new $class;

    // trucate prev data //
    DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;');
    DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;');

    $postGresModel::chunk($chunkSize, function ($chunk) use ($postGresModel, $mysqlModel, $failedChunks, $object) {

        // make any adjustments
        $fixedChunk = $chunk->map(function ($item, $key) use ($postGresModel) {

            $appendableAttributes = $postGresModel::APPEND_FIELDS;
            $attributes = $item->getAttributes();

            // replace null/no values with empty string
            foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) {
                if ($attribute === null) {
                    $attributes[$key] = '';

            // add customized attributes and values
            foreach ($appendableAttributes as $appendField) {
                if ($appendField === 'ssn') {
                    $value = $attributes['number'];
                    $attributes[$appendField] = substr($value, 0, 4);
                } else {
                    $attributes[$appendField] = '';


            return $attributes;

        // insert chunk of data in db now
        if (!$object->insert($fixedChunk->toArray())) {


Memory issue comes when about 80000 rows are inserted not before that.

I suspect something is wrong with collection map function or loops inside the map function. I have even tried setting memory setting and time limit settings to unlimited but to no avail. May be I need to use reference variables or something but I am not sure how.

Can any optimizations be made in above code to reduce memory usage?

Or how do I efficiently import large data from large PostgreSQL database to MySQL through code ?

Can anyone tell what I am doing wrong here or why whole memory gets consumed up ?

PS: I am doing this on local development machine which has 4GB ram (Windows 8). PHP version: 5.6.16

like image 262
dev02 Avatar asked Apr 22 '16 06:04


People also ask

How do I increase the PHP memory limit?

To increase the PHP memory limit setting, edit your PHP. ini file. Increase the default value (example: Maximum amount of memory a script may consume = 128MB) of the PHP memory limit line in php. ini.

What is the maximum PHP memory limit?

Increasing the PHP memory limit The default memory limit is 256M and this is usually more than sufficient for most needs. If you need to raise this limit, you must create a phprc file.

How does PHP memory limit work?

The PHP memory_limit is the maximum amount of server memory that each PHP script is allowed to consume. Per the PHP documentation: “This sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate. This helps prevent poorly written scripts from eating up all available memory on a server.”

2 Answers

Yes, you could change the 'memory_limit'. But that only works today, not tomorrow, when you will need even more memory.

Plan A:

Instead, write a little more code... Chunk up the data into, say, 1000 rows at a time. Build a single INSERT statement with all the rows in it. Execute it in a transaction by itself.

Plan B:

Build a CSV file of all the rows, then use LOAD DATA INFILE to do the mass insert.

In either Plan, avoid loading all the rows into RAM at once. There is a lot of overhead for scalars and arrays in PHP.

like image 149
Rick James Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Rick James

Definitely, you've got a memory leak somewhere. I guess somewhere within $chunk->map(), or $object->insert($fixedChunk->toArray()). We can only guess, because the implementation is hidden.

However, I would use generators as much as possible. The code might look something like the following:

function getAllItems() {
  $step = 2000;

  for ($offset = 0 ;; $offset += $step) {
    $q = "SELECT * FROM items_table LIMIT $offset, $step";

    if (! $items = Db::fetchAll($q)) {

    foreach ($items as $i) {
      yield $i;

foreach (getAllItems() as $item) {

I dare to say that with generators you'll be able to import practically any amount of data from one database to another.

like image 24
Ruslan Osmanov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Ruslan Osmanov