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laravel custom command not listed

I have created a custom command called confirmUserCommand with the filename matching the class name (same case). The $name is set to confirmuser.

Running the command php artisan list displays the new command on my local, but not on the server (which is running linux). I did perform a composer dump-autoload and update the relevant composer files to no avail.

Any suggestions please?

like image 698
maximus 69 Avatar asked Feb 06 '15 17:02

maximus 69

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2 Answers

Laravel 5.2 ~ 5.5:

Create your command & edit

   protected $signature = 'order:check'; //or whatever you want your command to be

You will have to find where the commands are created & edit the app\Console\kernel.php file.

in this file under

protected $commands = [

run again

 php artisan list 

It should be listed there :)

like image 181
A H Bensiali Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

A H Bensiali

From laravel version 5.6 onwards you need not make the entry of your custom command in app\Console\kernel.php

like image 21
YDF Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09