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Laravel Backpack How to create new page without CRUD

Sorry Guy I'm new with Laravel Backpack 4.3 need your expertise.

I wanna create a simple page without CRUD is that possible on Laravel Backpack, if yes Which file I need to work on?

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Gino Avatar asked Mar 29 '19 07:03


1 Answers

Of course. The process is the same as standard Laravel (add a route, controller and view), though you might want to use the same file structure as Backpack, and extend the Backpack layout file to keep the same design.

You can do it however you want, but usually people that use Backpack:

  • add the route to their routes/backpack/custom.php file, inside the same route group as their CRUDs; so it's easier to find;
  • add the controller to their app/Http/Controllers/Admin/ folder, so that all admin-related controllers are in one place;
  • add the view file inside resources/views/admin or something like that;

For an example:

  • take a look at AdminController, that Backpack\Base uses to load the empty dashboard page;
  • take a look at the dashboard.blade.php file to see how it extends the Backpack layout;

Hope it helps.

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tabacitu Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 14:11
