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Laravel 5.3: Syntax error or access violation: 1463 Non-grouping field 'distance' is used in HAVING clause

This error came up after moving the whole source to the 5.3 version, and I'm scratching my head for over two hours now.

So I have this kind of eloquent query:

POI::select('*', DB::raw("SQRT( POW((x - {$this->x}),2) + POW((y - {$this->y}),2) ) AS distance"))
        ->where('status', Config::get('app.poi_state.enabled'))
        ->whereNotIn('id', $excludePOIList)
        ->having('distance', '<=', $distance)

It worked find before upgrade now it throws:

Syntax error or access violation: 1463 Non-grouping field 'distance' is used in HAVING clause (SQL: select *, SQRT( POW((x - 860.0000),2) + POW((y - 105.0000),2) ) AS distance from poi where status = 1 and id not in (1) having distance <= 6 order by distance asc)

I wanted to check if the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode is enabled on my server, but it isn't...


The same query works fine in MySQL workbench. What's going on?

like image 632
user3343366 Avatar asked Aug 20 '16 10:08


1 Answers

Check in the config/database.php file in the mysql conection that the strict is false:

'strict' => false,

If is true, put in false.

like image 61
rebduvid Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10
