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Laravel 4 Pagination bug with Twitter Bootstrap 3

When using Laravel Pagination, I believe that the css classes generated are relevant to bootstrap 2 and not bootstrap 3.

{{ $products->links() }} generates

<div class="pagination">
        <?php echo $presenter->render(); ?>

However I would like it to generate:

    <ul class="pagination">
        <?php echo $presenter->render(); ?>

Without changing the framework code laravel/framework/src/illuminate/pagination/views/slider.php, is there a better / proper way of overriding the CSS / code generated by {{ $products->links() }}?

like image 395
Gravy Avatar asked Sep 12 '13 14:09


2 Answers

I saw something in one of the latest update, I haven't tried but it looks like all you have do do is change:

'pagination' => 'pagination::slider',

In the view config to:

'pagination' => 'pagination::slider-3',

This then uses:


like image 140
Dave Ganley Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 12:10

Dave Ganley

Yes you can :) edit /app/config/view.php to specify the pagination value:

return array(
    'paths' => array(__DIR__.'/../views'),
    'pagination' => 'elements/pagination',

after that, create a view/elements/pagination.php, and put + modify the content of the following file: https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/master/src/Illuminate/Pagination/views/slider.php

like image 45
Rob Gordijn Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 12:10

Rob Gordijn