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Twitter bootstrap-modal for images

I have a page which includes details of the registered users. Every html table includes 80-90 users. For every user there is a $username variable. I normally show their pictures in a table like the code below.

print "<a href=\"small-avatar-$username.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"big-avatar-$username.jpg\">

But the user can open images in a new tab. I want to show big avatars easily. My first choice was lightbox-jquery. But because i use twitter-bootstrap in my site, i decided to use default bootstrap and jquery features.

I saw that there is "bootstrap-modals". When user clicks link, i don't plan to show anything more than i big picture.

I tried this:

print "<a href=\"#$username" data-toggle=\"modal\" class=\"img-modal\" >
        <img src=\"small-avatar-$username.jpg\" ></a>";
print '</td>';


print "<div id=\"$username\" class=\"modal\">";
       <img src=\"big-avatar-$username.jpg\">
print "</div>";


<script type="text/javascript" id="js">

I suppose putting $('#username').modal();
for every user to my page will make HTML file huge.

But then I tried class name of anchor like this: $('.img-modal').modal();
But this didn't work.

What would you recommend in this situation?

like image 740
trante Avatar asked Apr 28 '12 12:04


People also ask

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How do I open modal pop up image?

If you click on the thumbnail of the image it will open a modal containing the full image.

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Opening Bootstrap Modal Popup without Button Click onload event handler, the OpenBootstrapPopup JavaScript function is called which first references the HTML DIV using jQuery and then calls the Bootstrap modal function which displays the Bootstrap Modal Popup.

1 Answers

I would recommend you to use a HTML5 Custom Data Attributes in your <a> tag to identify the username and keep your img-modal class.

"<a href="#myModal" data-username='".$username."' class="img-modal">...

Trigger the call to modal on click on .img-modal (you don't need the data-toggle="modal")

$('.img-modal').click(function(event) {

You can get the value of the username by using

var username = $(this).attr('data-username')

Since you have the username you can replace the src property of your <img> tag in your unique modal with something like.

$("#img-in-modal").attr("src","big-avatar-" + username + ".jpg")

And open your modal


And finally, make sure bootstrap-modal.js or boostrap.js is included.

like image 164
baptme Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10
