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lapply function /loops on list of lists R


I know this topic appeared on SO a few times, but the examples were often more complicated and I would like to have an answer (or set of possible solutions) to this simple situation. I am still wrapping my head around R and programming in general. So here I want to use lapply function or a simple loop to data list which is a list of three lists of vectors.

data1 <- list(rnorm(100),rnorm(100),rnorm(100)) data2 <- list(rnorm(100),rnorm(100),rnorm(100)) data3 <- list(rnorm(100),rnorm(100),rnorm(100))  data <- list(data1,data2,data3) 

Now, I want to obtain the list of means for each vector. The result would be a list of three elements (lists).

I only know how to obtain list of outcomes for a list of vectors and

for (i in 1:length(data1)){         means <- lapply(data1,mean) } 

or by:


and I know how to get all the means using rapply:


The problem is that rapply does not maintain the list structure. Help and possibly some tips/explanations would be much appreciated.

like image 458
MIH Avatar asked Jul 22 '15 11:07


People also ask

Does Lapply return a list?

lapply returns a list of the same length as X , each element of which is the result of applying FUN to the corresponding element of X .

What does the Lapply () function in R is used for?

The lapply() function helps us in applying functions on list objects and returns a list object of the same length. The lapply() function in the R Language takes a list, vector, or data frame as input and gives output in the form of a list object.

Is Lapply faster than a for loop?

The apply functions do run a for loop in the background. However they often do it in the C programming language (which is used to build R). This does make the apply functions a few milliseconds faster than regular for loops.

Can you have a vector of lists in R?

Almost all data in R is stored in a vector, or even a vector of vectors. A list is a recursive vector: a vector that can contain another vector or list in each of its elements. Lists are one of the most flexible data structures in R. As a result, they are used as a general purpose glue to hold objects together.

1 Answers

We can loop through the list of list with a nested lapply/sapply

 lapply(data, sapply, mean) 

It is otherwise written as

 lapply(data, function(x) sapply(x, mean)) 

Or if you need the output with the list structure, a nested lapply can be used

 lapply(data, lapply, mean) 

Or with rapply, we can use the argument how to get what kind of output we want.

  rapply(data, mean, how='list') 

If we are using a for loop, we may need to create an object to store the results.

  res <- vector('list', length(data))   for(i in seq_along(data)){     for(j in seq_along(data[[i]])){       res[[i]][[j]] <- mean(data[[i]][[j]])     }    } 
like image 53
akrun Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
