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How to insert plain picture (jpeg / png) from chunk with knitr


I want to insert a picture at the beginning of text using a code block, not markdown. I am using the Tufte handout template output: rmarkdown::tufte_handout and when I insert it straight after the YAML header but before TOC like this:

\centering ![width='100%'](./cropped-banner_efpt.jpg) \raggedright \tableofcontents \clearpage 

the image then spans the main body. I know that with chunks there is an option to have the chunk to span the whole page placing fig.fullwidth = TRUE in the chunk header, but I am a bit stuck with this as I am not generating any graph from data and I do not know how to simpy place an image from within a chunk.

Another matter was that when I set toc: true in the YAML header, the image would only come after the inserted toc - that is why I am inserting toc with the latex command.

Thank you for your suggestions.

like image 385
r0berts Avatar asked Apr 01 '16 07:04


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1 Answers

When a figure is not generated from R code, you may use knitr::include_graphics() to insert it to the document, e.g.

```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='100%'} knitr::include_graphics('./cropped-banner_efpt.jpg') ``` 
like image 52
Yihui Xie Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10

Yihui Xie