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Language features to implement relational algebra

I've been trying to encode a relational algebra in Scala (which to my knowlege has one of the most advanced type systems) and just don't seem to find a way to get where I want.

As I'm not that experienced with the academic field of programming language design I don't really know what feature to look for.

So what language features would be needed, and what language has those features, to implement a statically verified relational algebra?

Some of the requirements: A Tuple is a function mapping names from a statically defined set of valid names for the tuple in question to values of the type specified by the name. Lets call this name-type set the domain.

A Relation is a Set of Tuples with the same domain such that the range of any tuple is uniqe in the Set

So far the model can eaisly be modeled in Scala simply by

trait Tuple
trait Relation[T<Tuple] extends Set[T]

The vals, vars and defs in Tuple is the name-type set defined above. But there should'n be two defs in Tuple with the same name. Also vars and impure defs should probably be restricted too.

Now for the tricky part:

A join of two relations is a relation where the domain of the tuples is the union of the domains from the operands tuples. Such that only tuples having the same ranges for the intersection of their domains is kept.

def join(r1:Relation[T1],r2:Relation[T2]):Relation[T1 with T2]

should do the trick.

A projection of a Relation is a Relation where the domain of the tuples is a subset of the operands tuples domain.

def project[T2](r:Relation[T],?1):Relation[T2>:T]

This is where I'm not sure if it's even possible to find a sollution. What do you think? What language features are needed to define project?

Implied above offcourse is that the API has to be usable. Layers and layers of boilerplate is not acceptable.

like image 869
John Nilsson Avatar asked Oct 04 '08 15:10

John Nilsson

People also ask

What are the various features of relational algebra?

The relational algebra uses set union, set difference, and Cartesian product from set theory, but adds additional constraints to these operators. For set union and set difference, the two relations involved must be union-compatible—that is, the two relations must have the same set of attributes.

What type of language is relational algebra?

Relational algebra is a procedural query language, which takes instances of relations as input and yields instances of relations as output. It uses operators to perform queries. An operator can be either unary or binary. They accept relations as their input and yield relations as their output.

What are the 5 basic operators in relational algebra?

Five basic operations in relational algebra: Selection, Projection, Cartesian product, Union, and Set Difference. These perform most of the data retrieval operations needed.

What is relational algebra query language?

Relational Algebra is procedural query language, which takes Relation as input and generate relation as output. Relational algebra mainly provides theoretical foundation for relational databases and SQL. Operators in Relational Algebra. Projection (π) Projection is used to project required column data from a relation.

1 Answers

What your asking for is to be able to structurally define a type as the difference of two other types (the original relation and the projection definition). I honestly can't think of any language which would allow you to do that. Types can be structurally cumulative (A with B) since A with B is a structural sub-type of both A and B. However, if you think about it, a type operation A less B would actually be a supertype of A, rather than a sub-type. You're asking for an arbitrary, contravariant typing relation on naturally covariant types. It hasn't even been proven that sort of thing is sound with nominal existential types, much less structural declaration-point types.

I've worked on this sort of modeling before, and the route I took was to constraint projections to one of three domains: P == T, P == {F} where F in T, P == {$_1} where $_1 anonymous. The first is where the projection is equivalent to the input type, meaning it is a no-op (SELECT *). The second is saying that the projection is a single field contained within the input type. The third is the tricky one. It is saying that you are allowing the declaration of some anonymous type $_1 which has no static relationship to the input type. Presumably it will consist of fields which delegate to the input type, but we can't enforce that. This is roughly the strategy that LINQ takes.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I wish it were possible to do what you're asking, it would open up a lot of very neat possibilities.

like image 145
Daniel Spiewak Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Daniel Spiewak