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SQLAlchemy temporary table with Declarative Base

I need a temporary table in my programme. I have seen that this can be achieved with the "mapper" syntax in this way:

t = Table(
    't', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    # ...

Seen here

But, my whole code is using the declarative base, it is what I understand, and I would like to stick to it. There is the possibility of using a hybrid approach but if possible I'd avoid it.

This is a simplified version of how my declarative class looks like:

import SQLAlchemy as alc
class Tempo(Base):
    Class for temporary table used to process data coming from xlsx
    @param Base Declarative Base

    # TODO: make it completely temporary

    __tablename__ = 'tempo'

    drw = alc.Column(alc.String)
    date = alc.Column(alc.Date)
    check_number = alc.Column(alc.Integer)

Thanks in advance!


Now the class looks like this:

import SQLAlchemy as alc

class Tempo(Base):
        Class for temporary table used to process data coming from xlsx
        @param Base Declarative Base

        # TODO: make it completely temporary

        __tablename__ = 'tempo'
        __table_args__ = {'prefixes': ['TEMPORARY']}

        drw = alc.Column(alc.String)
        date = alc.Column(alc.Date)
        check_number = alc.Column(alc.Integer)

And when I try to insert data in this table, I get the following error message:

sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) no such table:
tempo u'INSERT INTO tempo (...) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' (....)

It seems the table doesn't exist just by declaring it. I have seen something like create_all() that might be the solution for this (it's funny to see how new ideas come while explaining thoroughly)

Then again, thank you very much!

like image 642
bgusach Avatar asked Nov 19 '12 13:11


1 Answers

Is it possible to use __table_args__? See https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/orm/declarative_tables.html#orm-declarative-table-configuration

class Tempo(Base):
    Class for temporary table used to process data coming from xlsx
    @param Base Declarative Base

    # TODO: make it completely temporary

    __tablename__ = 'tempo'
    __table_args__ = {'prefixes': ['TEMPORARY']}

    drw = alc.Column(alc.String)
    date = alc.Column(alc.Date)
    check_number = alc.Column(alc.Integer)
like image 74
vicvicvic Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
