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LAContext evaluatePolicy does not always prompt user




In my iOS 7 iPad app LAContext:evaluatePolicy sometimes returns SUCCESS without prompting the user to touch the ID button. And the Apple docs say “Evaluating a policy MAY involve prompting the user…”.

My authentication policy is set to LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, the only choice I see. Why wouldn’t this prompt the user to touch the ID button every time I call evaluatePolicy? Is there a way I can require this behavior?

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David U Avatar asked Jan 29 '16 21:01

David U

2 Answers

I have experienced a similar problem. It is possible that you are declaring a global variable something like

let authenticationContext = LAContext()

and then use authenticationContext within your class methods and functions.

I have started declaring the constant in each function I use it like

func someAuthFunc() {
let authenticationContext = LAContext()

and my problem was solved. I was asked each time I requested evaluateForContext ...

I hope this helps.


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Sasho Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11


For who have the same issue

It just happens from iOS 13 and above. The solution is trying to call evaluate function twice like this:

let systemVersion = UIDevice.current.systemVersion
// Trick here: Try to do a pre-evaluate
if systemVersion.compare("13.0", options: .numeric) != .orderedAscending {
    context.evaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthentication, localizedReason: "Authenticate to open the app", reply: { (_, _) in
         //Ignore callback here

context.evaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthentication, localizedReason: "Authenticate to open the app", reply: { (success, error) in
    // Handle callback here

Tested and work well for all iOS 13.x.x versions so far.

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jacob Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11
